A review of.. Maggi?

Hey guys, so I am writing about something that I would have never bothered writing about before, and here it goes – it is a food review!

So, what triggered me to write a review on something that is pretty HOT and SPICY?

Well, it is Maggi’s all new, largely packaged Hot Mealz!

First Impression: This new line of Maggi does look a little like Mamee Chef’s instant cup noodles because of its big size. However, it was pretty easy to differentiate and it seems to be on promotion right now at RM2.90 (In AEON btw)! Honestly, I really thought it was going to be filling compared to the usual hot cup that I would always have for supper but oh boy.

So, what’s Maggi Hot Mealz? It’s a new range of bowl segment instant noodles that Nestle has recently released into the market since last year. Currently, some of its different flavours include the Kari Kari Kaw and Kari Laksa Ayam, both made with 12 different spices. Compared to its competitors in the bowl segment instant noodles, Maggi Hot Mealz can definitely be seen as the cheaper alternative – check it out yourself when you go to the instant noodles shelf.

However, is it cheaper? Does it have a high value for money?  Well, let’s find out:

Not very healthy I suppose.

To all of you, health conscious peeps that want to know what exactly goes into your body, here’s the nutrition content read up.

Pls don’t tear pls don’t tear!

I was surprised that the cover was not made out of aluminium unlike Maggi’s usual hot cup. It was in a paper/plastic form instead and it took me a while to try to get the lid off because the glue they had on that thing was pretty damn strong.  But no, you don’t have to be extra careful while tearing the lid off like the aluminium ones that are probably so much more (fragile) because these ones aren’t?

I like the curry.

For Kari Kari Kaw, there were three packages of different seasonings while for Kari Laksa Ayam, there were four. However on the inside, it was not what I had expected from a big bowl. Take a look below, do you notice the depth between the lid and the noodles? When I looked at it, I felt sad because I was pretty sure I was going to need a second round of Hot Mealz noodle to fill me up for lunch.


Even though the depth is rather deep, sometimes we have to bear in mind that, all instant cup noodles are like that. Try pushing down the noodles when you open a cup of instant noodles next time!

Let’s take a look at the three seasonings:


 First, we put in the curry powder – the same unbeatable and authentic Maggi curry powder that we all love, the powder that tells us it’s definitely Maggi’s whenever we smell it in our Maggi Goreng or when someone decides to use it as one of the seasonings for any dishes.

Ehehe look at that bowl of unhealthiness.

I’m not sure what was inside the garnishes, besides spring onions and I was not sure what the flakes were. But they tasted okay and I just assumed it was all edible because it’s Maggi. Yeah, Maggi, I have faith in you.


Honestly, I’m not so sure of the “right” ways to cook instant cup noodles, but what I would usually do is I would pour in the seasonings first so that the hot water would help with the dilution of the seasonings before it becomes instant soup! I do know some people who would pour the hot water first before adding the seasonings, but you do you because Maggi instant noodles would taste good either way! 😀

Typical Malaysian style of cooking instant noodles.

We really had to put something to cover the lid because it kept curling up, unlike the aluminium lids. But it’s fine because I think it is generally pretty to let our instant noodles cook like that. And it’s practical.

Ohno, I’m hungry now.

Look at that good stuffs. The noodles are springy as usual and the soup – it tastes just like the Maggi Kari Hot Cup. I thought it was going to be “kari kaw” like how the Chinese people would always say 99. But the spice was really tolerable and I didn’t really taste any differences compared to the Kari Hot Cup.

This isn’t helping.. I’m very hungry now.

The garnishes are nice, but I legit still do not know what the flakes were. Maybe it’s onion?

Turns out it’s a very good study companion!


I may have a big appetite when it comes to food, so I really was not full at all after finishing this bowl of Maggi. I even gulped down all of the soup till the last drop and people thought I was going to lose my hair the next day but nah, it was all good.

Good to the very last drop.

If I were to have this for supper (as usual), then yeah, I would definitely be satisfied. And if I was able to cook eggs in university and put it in this bowl of awesomeness, then it would have tasted even better. And as a university student who is somewhat poor and loves noodles, I would really recommend the Hot Mealz or any Maggi instant cup noodles as your study partner at night time or for lunch or anytime you would crave for it at all.

If you want a review on the Kari Laksa Ayam, do comment below. Or you could totally buy it now at RM2.90!

Article by Tiffany

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Alvin says:

    Is this article sponsored by maggie? Its like an ad lol


    1. musaeditor says:

      Oh how we wish this was sponsored by Maggi. (Un?)fortunately it isn’t :(


  2. Dex says:

    Damnnn Maggi 🤣


  3. mistimaan says:

    Nicely explained :)


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